SWIFT is pleased to be collaborating with the Colyton Foundation and Colyton Grammar School on a new initiative for schools. The Colyton Foundation is a school-centred charity which aims to increase access to competitive higher education courses for young people in the South West, particularly those who have experienced disadvantage. Working in partnership with SWIFT, we are pleased to share details of a programme of support for students in South West schools considering applications to Oxford, Cambridge and universities in the USA, plus those applying for Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry. The programme also seeks to develop the knowledge and expertise of teachers and advisors supporting higher education applications in participating schools. This programme aims to use the knowledge and capacity Colyton has developed in this area to support students in schools and colleges which may have fewer applicants to these destinations each year. The programme combines advice, guidance and subject specific preparation for students with continuing professional development for Sixth Form teachers and advisors, designed to develop their ability to support future competitive applications. Teachers and advisors receive a half day training course early in the programme and are encouraged to shadow student participants during other programme elements to develop their capacity to support students in future. The fee for participation of the programme, to include CPD for one teacher/advisor and application support for up to four students, is £975 per school. In line with the Colyton Foundation’s aims as a charity supporting schools, every attempt has been made to keep the cost to schools as low as possible. Bespoke quotations are available where numbers of participating students and staff vary, and where multiple schools within a Multi Academy Trust wish to participate in the programme. For More Information
If you would like to discuss the potential for collaboration with your school or college further, please get in contact on the links below. By Nick Wakeling, Director, Colyton Foundation
We are pleased to be working with The Colyton Foundation and Atom Learning to provide FREE access to Atom Home for all Key Stage 2 Pupil Premium/Free School Meals pupils in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset primary schools. The Purpose of this Initiative Evidence shows that children from under-resourced backgrounds in the South West are amongst the least likely in England to attain highly at school, and to access Higher Education. The Colyton Foundation aims to work collaboratively with schools and universities throughout the South West to increase levels of high attainment for under-resourced children, guided by their ‘cradle to career’ philosophy. Partnering with leading universities and Multi Academy Trusts, The Colyton Foundation are dedicated to supporting high attainment for young people in primary and secondary schools, and Further Education. As part of this work, The Colyton Foundation has established a partnership with Atom Learning to support pupils from under-resourced backgrounds to attain highly at Key Stage 2 by giving them access to Atom Home. This responsive online learning platform is proven to support successful attainment through tailored support that builds confidence, strengthens knowledge, and prepares children for the transition to secondary education. Benefits for your Pupils We understand the challenges faced by schools in ensuring that all children, especially those experiencing disadvantage, have access to the best possible educational resources. This Atom Learning initiative is designed to provide that much-needed support, at no cost to your school. 1. Tailored Learning Atom Home adapts to each child’s learning level, ensuring they receive the right support for their individual needs. 2. Key Stage 2 Focus The platform covers all essential content in English, Maths, and Science, supporting your efforts to raise attainment. 3. Comprehensive Resources Pupils will have access to an extensive library of teacher-created practice questions, learning challenges, and resources to support their mastery of the curriculum. "We are delighted to be working together on this exciting new partnership with Atom Learning, the Colyton Foundation and SWIFT, which gives Year 2 pupil premium children and families in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset & Somerset free attainment support through the Atom Home platform. This is a significant partnership with the Colyton Foundation, which seeks to advance the education of children and young people in the South West of England, who are identified as having high academic potential, but face barriers in progressing their educational aspirations due to social or economic disadvantage." (Tim Harris, The Colyton Foundation) About Atom Learning Atom Learning is an online learning and teaching company for Key Stages 2 – 3 with a range of products for families and schools to support with learning, exam preparation, teaching and assessment. Atom Home is the home learning and exam preparation platform for Key Stage 2 pupils. Practice questions, video tutorials and learning resources are created by experienced teachers and Atom provides targeted support to help all learners thrive. Areas are identified where each pupil needs support and the difficulty of tasks is adjusted accordingly to provide a personalised learning experience. This offer is FREE to all Key Stage 2 Pupil Premium pupils in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset primary schools. Normally Atom Home would cost £575.90 per year. Access Atom for your Pupil Premium Pupils
You can find more information about how to access and implement Atom Home for Key Stage 2 Pupil Premium / Free School Meals (FSM) pupils in your school in the link below. |
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